// Exterior House Painting
Much like interior paint inside your home can spruce up a room or change the atmosphere inside – external paint can liven up your house and make it look new once again. You may have heard of the value of a fresh coat of paint, some flowers, and some landscaping when trying to sell your home, and there is truly something to that.
External paint is an easy and cost-effective solution for home makeovers and goes well with minor external updates or major renovations. In addition, external paint helps protect your home and its walls, so quality paint can ultimately save you money. Our team brings years of experience in painting homes, fences, and exterior applications in the Pacific Northwest. We're used to working with difficult weather in challenging environments and are well-postured to deliver exceptional results on your project. When do you know you need new exterior paint? Is your paint cracking or chipping off? Have wind and rain worn down your exterior paint to the point where the wood underneath is visible? Is your paint faded or bleached from the sun? These may be signs that it's time either for an external paint touch-up or new paint all around the outside of your home. There has also never been a better time to paint- at least in terms of the cost of high-quality external paints – and the other value paint will add to your home. |
// Exterior House Painting Bothell, WA
Call today and schedule an appointment, consolation, or a painting job. If you don't know exactly what you want or need, that's OK. Our team will work with you to assess your needs and design a painting project that meets your needs and fits your budget.
We can help select the best external paint for your deck, railings, fence, walls, trim, doors, etc. We'll source the paint ourselves and save you the trip to the hardware store. Once we agree on a date, our team will watch the weather and only paint on days that guarantee outstanding results. Exterior paint must be applied in temperatures over 40 degrees – otherwise, the chances of substandard results increase exponentially. Painting at the right temperature helps avoid cracking, which would defeat the purpose of a fresh coat. We recommend that you proceed cautiously with companies who intend to paint during very cold days, rain, or weather events. |
// Exterior Residential Painting Bothell, WA
Similar to our procedures for internal painting, the areas to be painted will require some preparation. Our team will pressure wash if needed, remove any debris from the outside of your home, and potentially sand/prep surfaces if required.
When your surface is ready (and the weather is cooperating), we'll apply several coats of the paint we selected together. Before we start with paint, though, we'll generally apply a coat of primer to guarantee results and quality further. Our team pays great attention to detail in all of our work, so inspecting the paint we've applied. Once we've placed our stamp of approval on our work, we'll restore the area around your home or workspace to how it was before we arrived (or better), and we'll be off! Our crew is fast, efficient, and polite and places you, your family, and your home first. Give us a call today and tell us about your project, the material, and what type of paint you want. Our team can do the rest. We look forward to assisting you! |